Illinois Sport Fishing Awards and Certificates

The Division of Fisheries offers "Hook-and-Line" and "Bow and Arrow" angler recognition awards for fish legally caught in Illinois waters.

Hook-and-Line Awards and Certificates

First Fish
Create and print a personalized certificate to commemorate your first catch!
Big Fish
Create and print a personalized certificate to commemorate your big fish!
Master Fish
Create and print a personalized certificate when you catch 5 different species of fish
Record Fish
Think you caught a state record? Click here!
Create and print a personalized certificate to recognize your catch and relase award!

Current list of Illinois hook-and-line record fish

Bow-and-Arrow Awards and Certificates

First Fish
Create and print a personalized certificate to commemorate your first catch!
BigBow Fish
Create and print a personalized certificate to commemorate your big fish!
Master Fish
Create and print a personalized certificate when you catch 5 different species of fish
Record Fish
Think you caught a state record? Click here!

Current list of Illinois bow-and-arrow record fish