Illinois DNR Fishing Tournament Permit Information System

Welcome to the Illinois Department of Natural Resources Fishing Tournament Permit Information System web page. Using this online system, you can apply for a permit, monitor the status of a permit applictation, view your already-scheduled and approved fishing tournaments, and electronically report tournament catch data. The Illinois DNR's Fisheries Division uses tournament information to effectively manage our valuable fisheries resources.

We appreciate your cooperation with filling out your tournament information and reporting your tournament results.

IMPORTANT: See criteria here for specific requirements under Administrative Rule 810, Sec. 810.90, Sportfishing Regulations.

NOTE: Per 17 Ill. Adm. Code 110.4, All persons or entities seeking to charge fees to participants, provide items for sale, or otherwise collect money or items as part of an event located on Department-owned, -leased, or -managed property or facilities shall complete a permit to sell application form. All revenue generated from the event shall be subject to a 10% fee payable to the Department upon completion of the event. The permit to sell form can be found at the following link, PermitToSell.pdf, and turned in to the Site Superintendent at the site where the event occurred. Questions regarding permit to sell fees may be directed to

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If your tournament includes fewer than 20 participants,
you do not need to have an IDNR Fishing Tournament Permit
but MUST contact the IDNR Site directly
to confirm your tournament date at that IDNR Site.




NOTE TO TOURNAMENT DIRECTORS: The Illinois Department of Natural Resources Division of Fisheries approves fishing tournament applications according to biological merit. However, all applicants should be aware that waters not owned by the State of Illinois can deny applications for any reason and applicants are encouraged to contact those sites prior to application submission to ensure the site is available.

Contact us if you need any assistance with your tournament applications.