Christmas Tree Drop-Off Locations
After the holidays, as you are boxing up your ornaments and putting things back in place, please consider recycling your natural tree at one of the designated drop-off locations. The Department of Natural Resources Fisheries Biologists are collecting Christmas trees to be used as fish habitat in local lakes. Real trees provide cover for small fish and places for growth of algae that is fed on by aquatic insects, and also attract larger fish that can be caught by anglers. The collected trees are bundled together, weighted, and submerged at spots around the lake. Often called brush piles, the submerged trees provide critical habitat for all life stages and multiple species of fish. The trees will decompose due to natural processes and need to be replenished every few years.
You can find a listing of drop-off locations here.
2025 Tournament Applications Accepted Beginning November 1, 2024
As of November 1, 2024, fishing tournament organizers can apply to the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) for 2025 fishing tournament permits using the INDR Tournament Permitting System. Applications are reviewed on a "first come, first served" basis. Last year, we had over 2500 applications for fishing tournaments in Illinois!
NOTE: For tournaments with fewer than 20 participants, tournament directors do not need to apply for an IDNR fishing tournament permit, but must contact the IDNR Site directly to confirm your tournament date at that IDNR Site. Additionally, The posting of results for your tournament is now optional. We appreciate all of those who post their results, but this is no longer a requirement for applying for new tournaments. In addition, we no longer request the top 3 fish weights, but rather a total fish count/weight.
Frequently Asked Questions
We are here to answer any fishing-related questions you may have. Simply send us an email through our "contact us" and we are happy to provide you with the information you're seeking. We also have a Frequently Asked Question page that you may find helpful. We've compiled a list of some of our most frequently asked questions via email and provided that information for you here. Check it out — you may learn something new about fishing in Illinois!
Stop the Spread of Invasive Species
Remove, Drain, Dry: As the boats come out of storage, we'd like to remind you to be aware of invasive species that pose a threat to our lands and waterways. To fight the spread of aquatic invaders, the IDNR is asking residents to "be a hero transport zero." The best way to stop the spread of invasive species is to remove, drain, and dry your boats after use in any Illinois waterway. Learn more here.