Lake Information

County: Grundy

Acreage: 29

Recreational Amenities

Boat Fishing? Walk-In Only

Boat Ramps? No

Boat Rental? No

Skiing? No

Swimming? No

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There are no zebra mussels in this lake.

Fishing Outlook  ( Full PDF Report )

Click here for a list of all reports.



Fish Status



Clear Lake supports the best bluegill fishery in the Main Unit. Fish collected in the 2014 averaged nearly 6” with many collected over 8”; the largest topping 9.5”.



Carp are present with larger fish fairly common. Those collected in 2014 averaged close to 5 lbs.



Channel catfish have been collected in low numbers from Clear Lake and the fishery could be considered fair at best.



Very few crappie have ever been collected from Clear Lake, but it is likely to support a small population. That fishery would not be considered noteworthy.



The 2014 survey indicated a population that exhibits somewhat of a bottle-neck of bass between 10” and 14”, and this grouping comprised nearly 70% of the total number of bass collected. The average size fish measured 9.4” with the largest bass collected just over 20”. This could be characterized as an “action” fishery with the potential of catching a trophy.


Very Good

This species has successfully recruited following their introduction and in 2014 and several quality fish were collected. The average size redear sunfish collected measured 9.6” with the largest fish collected approaching 0.9 lbs.



Yellow bullheads have been fairly prominent in most surveys and are also an underutilized resource.

Location: Clear Lake (Lake #10) is located within the Mazonia State Fish and Wildlife Area Main Unit, 3 miles southwest of Braidwood in Grundy County on Illinois Route 53 and Huston Road.

Description: Clear Lake is located at the southern end of the Mazonia Main Unit, and at 29.5 surface acres, is one of the larger lakes within the complex. Clear Lake is also somewhat remote, which tends to decrease angling pressure. Under normal water level conditions, Clear Lake is isolated from other lakes. Shoreline angling opportunities are extremely limited. Boat fishing is by walk-in only, and as such Clear Lake has become popular with canoeists, kayakers and belly-boaters. It is also a destination point for ice fishermen. Clear Lake is closed to fishing during upland game and waterfowl season. Following the completion of the hunting seasons, it reopens for ice fishing dependent upon ice conditions.

History and Status of the Sport Fishery: Due to the extremely poor access, Clear Lake can only be surveyed when suitable conditions prevail. 2014 provided just such an opportunity. Fish stocking has included channel catfish and redear sunfish. No special mercury advisory or other contaminant-related consumption advisories pertain.

Additional Lake Information: Trolling motor only. Two pole and line fishing only.

Contact Information:
Mazonia/Braidwood State Fish & Wildlife Area
IDNR Fisheries Biologist, Seth Love