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Lake Information

County: Henry

Acreage: 50

Average Depth: 8.00 feet

Shoreline Length: 1.5 miles

Recreational Amenities

Boat Fishing? Unlimited HP no Wake

Boat Ramps? Yes

Boat Rental? Yes

Skiing? No

Swimming? No

Picnicking? Yes

Camping? Yes

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There are no zebra mussels in this lake.

Fish Stocking






Channel Catfish

Advanced Fingerling 4 - 7"



Channel Catfish

Advanced Fingerling 4 - 7"


Additional information for stocking on Johnson Sauk Trail Lake

Fishing Outlook  ( Full PDF Report )

Click here for a list of all reports.



Fish Status



The Bluegill population is dominated by fish in the 3"–6" range. Size distribution of the Bluegill population has been moving toward larger fish with increased aquatic vegetation treatments.



Black and White Crappie are both present in Johnson Sauk Trail. White Crappie are the dominate species. Quality fish can be found for both species, but in very low density. Most fish will be less than 8 inches. The lake has no size or creel limits on this species, and they do need to be harvested to improve the fishery.


Very Good

The Largemouth Bass population continues to have a good population structure that will provide for quality fishing with a chance for a trophy-sized class fish. Numbers of 15—20 inch fish have been steady.


Very Good

Muskie are stocked every third year. Fish in the 33-38 inch range will be the dominate size class. Fish above 42" do show up regularly in samples.

Location: Johnson Sauk Trail Lake is located in Henry County 5 miles north of Kewane off Illinois Route 78.

Description: Johnson Sauk Trail is a 58-surface acre impoundment with a maximum depth of 23 feet and an average depth of 8.2 feet. It has a watershed of 876.1 acres. The lake was built in 1949 and finished in 1955. The lake was opened to fishing in 1957. Boating is allowed; all boats must operate at no wake. The lake has one paved boat ramp and parking lot. Part of the shoreline is ADA accessible.

History and Status of the Sport Fishery: Johnson Sauk Trail receives an annual stocking of Channel Catfish at a rate of 35 per acre. Muskie are stocked every three years at a rate of 1 per acre.

Additional Lake Information: All Fish: 2 Pole and Line Fishing Only. Boats allowed: unlimited HP, no wake operation

Fishing Regulations:
Large or Smallmouth Bass: 6 fish daily limit; 14˝ minimum length limit
Bluegill or Redear Sunfish: No daily limit or minimum length limit
Channel Catfish: 6 fish daily limit
Muskellunge: 1 fish daily limit; 36” minimum length limit
White, Black, or Hybrid Crappie: No daily limit or minimum length limit

Contact Information:
Johnson Sauk Trail State
28616 Sauk Trail Road, Kewanee Il 61443
IDNR Fisheries Biologist, David Wyffels