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Lake Information

County: Kendall

Acreage: 16

Average Depth: 0.00 feet

Recreational Amenities

Boat Fishing? Electric only

Boat Ramps? Yes

Boat Rental? Yes

Skiing? No

Swimming? No

Picnicking? Yes

Camping? Yes

  Trout stocked in fall

  Trout stocked in spring

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Maps are not intended for navigation.

There are no zebra mussels in this lake.

Fish Stocking






Channel Catfish

Non-vulnerable 8 - 10"



Channel Catfish

Non-vulnerable 8 - 10"



Redear Sunfish

Non-vulnerable 8 - 10"


Additional information for stocking on Big Lake (Loon Lake)

Fishing Outlook  ( Full PDF Report )

Click here for a list of all reports.



Fish Status



The Spring 2024 electrofishing survey resulted in a total of 86 Bluegill collected ranging from 42 mm (1.7") to 171 mm (6.7"), with 66 of those fish greater than Stock size (3.0"). Average length was 102 mm (4.0"). Bluegill catch rates declined substantially from the 2022 survey, though the size distribution of the population remained largely unchanged.



Catchable Channel Catfish are requested from the state hatchery system on an annual basis. Natural reproduction is not expected, and this fishery could be classified as a “put-take” fishery. Site Regulation: 6 fish daily limit.



While they are present, Crappie were not sampled during the 2024 electrofishing survey as electrofishing is not a standard gear for evaluating these fisheries.



The Spring 2024 electrofishing survey resulted in a total of 87 Largemouth Bass collected ranging from 102 mm (4.0") to 390 mm (15.4"), with 71 of those fish greater than Stock size (8.0"). Average length was 273 mm (10.7"). Catch rates were slightly higher in the 2024 survey, likely partially due to the survey being conducted at night. Population size distribution was similar to the 2022 survey though the proportion of fish greater than Preferred-size declined. Sub-stock fish were collected during the survey which indicates that natural reproduction and recruitment is taking place. Age data suggests that the population is experiencing poor growth. Site Regulation: 15" minimum length limit.



Ten (10) Redear Sunfish were collected in the Spring 2024 survey, ranging from 182 mm (7.2") to 220 mm (8.7"), with 10 of those fish greater than Stock size (4.0"). Average length was 198 mm (7.8"). The Redear Sunfish catch rate declined from the 2022 survey, though the size distribution was much improved (however the sample size was very small).



A total of six (6) Smallmouth Bass were collected in the Spring 2024 survey, ranging from 205 mm (8.1") to 385 mm (15.2"), with 6 of those fish greater than Stock size (7.0"). Average length was 285 mm (11.2"). This fishery is not intensely managed, and the population is considered a “remnant” from a stocking that occurred in 1996. Natural reproduction has continued over the years, as fish are routinely collected in electrofishing surveys (never in high numbers). Site Regulation: 15" minimum length limit.



The likely result of an unauthorized angler release, Yellow Bass have established a reproducing and recruiting population. Yellow Bass are highly undesirable due to their added pressure on the lake’s forage base without adding any benefit to anglers. Their presence in Big Lake is an excellent case study of how unwanted and illegal fish introductions can have unintended consequences.

Location: Silver Springs is located in Kendall County, 5 miles west of Yorkville on Fox Road. Take Fox Street west off Route 47 in Yorkville to Silver Springs State Park

Description: All seven of the gravel pits at this state site contain a variety of warm-water fish species, while the two largest, Beaver Lake (4.5 acres) and Big Lake (also known as Loon Lake)(22.0 acres), are actively managed and will provide the most consistent action. Big Lake contains a maximum depth of 20 feet and averages 11.8 feet.

History and Status of the Sport Fishery: To monitor the fish population, Big Lake is surveyed every other year. Aquatic vegetation is monitored annually and treated as required and Fluridone has been utilized in early spring applications to arrest the growth of Eurasian Milfoil and Curleyleaf Pondweed. These applications have generally provided control for multiple seasons. Aquatic habitat projects have included the introduction and establishment of selected emergent aquatic plants as well as man-made structures placed in mid-water locations.

Big Lake receives annual stockings of 8” to 10” Channel Catfish and catchable-size Rainbow Trout both Spring and Fall. A special mercury advisory is in effect for Largemouth Bass of all sizes which limits consumption to one meal per week for both most sensitive and general populations.

Additional Lake Information: A gravel boat ramp is available at Big Lake. Fishing at Big Lake is closed approximately two weeks prior to the opening of the Spring and Fall trout seasons. A concession stand located at the park provides paddle boat rental, bait, food and drinks. A one- lane concrete boat ramp on the Fox River is present at the site as well. Boaters – Electric trolling motor only. Statewide fishing regulation apply.

Additional Site-Specific Fishing Regulations
All Fish Species: Two Pole and Line Fishing Only
Channel Catfish: 6 fish daily limit
Large or Smallmouth Bass: 15" minimum length limit
Rainbow Trout: Spring and Fall Closed Season (Big Lake)

Contact Information:
Silver Springs State Park
IDNR Fisheries Biologist, Seth Love