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Lake Information

County: Will

Acreage: 44

Average Depth: 9.12 feet

Shoreline Length: 2 miles

Recreational Amenities

Boat Fishing? Electric only

Boat Ramps? Yes

Boat Rental? Yes

Skiing? No

Swimming? No

Picnicking? Yes

Camping? No

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There are no zebra mussels in this lake.

Fish Stocking






Blacknose Crappie

Fingerling 1 - 3"



Redear Sunfish

Fingerling 1 - 3"



Blacknose Crappie

Fingerling 1 - 3"



Largemouth Bass

Advanced Fingerling 4 - 7"


Additional information for stocking on Monee Reservoir

Fishing Outlook  ( Full PDF Report )

Click here for a list of all reports.



Fish Status



The Fall 2023 electrofishing survey resulted in a total of 3 Black Crappie collected ranging from 2.4 in to 10.7 in, with 2 of those fish > 5.0 in. Average length was 7.3 in. Electrofishing is not a standard gear for evaluating Crappie populations and Fall trap netting is typically conducted to understand these fisheries. Site Regulation: 15 Fish Daily Harvest Limit.


Very Good

The Fall 2023 electrofishing survey resulted in a total of 58 Bluegill collected ranging from 1.2 in to 8.7 in, with 43 of those fish > 3.0. Average length was 5.1 in. Bluegill catch rates declined slightly from the previous survey, though similar to Largemouth Bass, the size structure of the sample improved with an average length of 5.1 inches and a PSD-P of 23. This is likely caused by the substantial collection of large Bluegill in a particular area on the Northwest shore. Body condition was quite good for all size groups suggesting good growth should be occurring.



The Fall 2023 electrofishing survey resulted in one Channel Catfish measuring 29.3 in collected. Electrofishing is not typically used to evaluate Channel Catfish populations, and as such this survey does not provide a good assessment of the fishery. Channel Catfish are stocked annually. Site Regulation: 6 Fish Daily Harvest Limit.


Very Good

The Fall 2023 electrofishing survey resulted in a total of 47 Largemouth Bass collected ranging from 5.1 in to 20.1 in, with 46 of those fish > 8.0 in. Average length was 14.1 in. Largemouth Bass catch rates declined from the Fall 2021 survey and were just under the target threshold of 1.1/minute. However, the size distribution improved with a higher average length and PSD-P. Body condition, however, was poor for all but Stock-sized fish. This is in contrast to the Fall 2021 survey where body condition was above the 90th percentile. Site Regulation: 15-inch Minimum Length Limit (1 Fish Daily Harvest Limit).



The Fall 2023 electrofishing survey resulted in a total of 9 Redear Sunfish collected ranging from 4.2 in to 9.9 in, with 9 of those fish > 4.0 in. Average length was 8.6 in. This was similar to the 2021 Survey catch, though Preferred-sized fish were not collected in 2021. The fishery is still developing and hopefully the recent supplemental stockings will create a flourishing fishery capable of utilizing the abundant Chinese Mystery Snail population.



Yellow Perch were absent from the Fall 2023 Community survey but have been collected in previous years. This is an illegally introduced, undesirable fish species.

Location: Monee Reservoir is located in Will County, 2 miles south of Monee off Ridgeland Road and just minutes from Interstate 57.

Description: Monee Reservoir is a dug and dammed impoundment constructed in 1916 as a water supply source for steam locomotives. Monee Reservoir was leased and managed by the Izaak Walton League from 1928 through the 1960's. Various lease holders operated the reservoir on a club basis throughout the 1970's. The property was purchased in the 1980's by the Forest Preserve District of Will County. The reservoir was drained, dredged and enlarged in 1990-91 and opened to the public in 1992. Monee Reservoir has a maximum depth of 27.0 feet with an average depth of 9.1 feet and covers 46 surface acres. Monee Reservoir offers diverse habitats, both natural and man-made. The majority of the shoreline is closed to bank fishing and therefore much of the fishery receives modest angling pressure. See “Additional Lake Information” below for important site information.

History and Status of the Sport Fishery: Monee Reservoir is routinely surveyed on a biennial basis, but other surveys may take place as circumstances dictate. Aquatic vegetation is managed by FPDWC, in cooperation with the IDNR. Monee Reservoir receives annual stockings of Channel Catfish and Black Crappie. The Northern Pike stocking program was terminated in 2005.

A special mercury advisory is in effect for Largemouth Bass of all sizes which limits consumption to one meal per month for most sensitive populations and one meal per week for the general population.

Additional Lake Information: Swimming is prohibited. Boat fishing is restricted to rental boats and watercraft which are available at the site. An on-site concession stands provides bait, tackle, ice, food, and soft drinks. Ice fishing is prohibited, and fishing is open daily during open water. Statewide fishing regulations apply.

Additional Site-Specific Fishing Regulations:
All Fish Species: Two Pole and Line Fishing Only.
Channel Catfish: 6 Fish Daily Harvest Limit
Large or Smallmouth Bass: 15-inch Minimum Length Limit (1 Fish Daily Harvest Limit)
White, Black, or Hybrid Crappie: 15 Fish Daily Harvest Limit

Contact Information:
Monee Reservoir
IDNR Fisheries Biologist, Seth Love