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Lake Information

County: Vermilion

Acreage: 900

Average Depth: 12.00 feet

Recreational Amenities

Boat Fishing? Unrestricted

Boat Ramps? Yes

Boat Rental? No

Skiing? Yes

Swimming? No

Picnicking? Yes

Camping? No

larger map link Dam North End Ramp

    Click on area names for a more detailed map.
    Dam, North End, Ramp

Maps are not intended for navigation.

There are no zebra mussels in this lake.

Fishing Outlook  ( Full PDF Report )

Click here for a list of all reports.



Fish Status


Very Good

During the most recent fish survey, Bluegill were collected at a rate of 196.5 per hour of electrofishing and the management objective is 175 to 250 Bluegill per hour. The average catch rate for the past six surveys is 124 Bluegill per hour. Approximately 27% of the Bluegill collected were larger than 6 inches. There is no Bluegill regulation on Lake Vermilion.



During the most recent fish survey, catfish were collected at a rate of only 4 per hour of electrofishing. The average catch rate for the past six surveys is 4.6 per hour. Catfish ranged in size from 7 inches to 17 inches.


Very Good

During the most recent fish survey, the catch rate was 94 bass per hour of electrofishing and the management objective is 100 to 125 bass per hour. The size structure of the bass population looks good with 72% being over 12 inches in length and 29% over 15 inches (based on bass collected that were 8 inches and larger). The length limit is 15 inches, and the daily creel limit is 6. Site Regulation: 15" minimum length limit, 6 fish daily limit.



The catch rate for White Crappie during the most recent fish survey was 37 per hour of electrofishing and the management objective is 50 to 75 White Crappie per hour. Based upon crappie 5 inches and longer, 99% were over 8 inches and 69% were longer than 10 inches. Size structure is good, but numbers are low. A new regulation 9-inch minimum length limit was implemented in 2023 to protect smaller White Crappie and increase the density of White Crappie. The crappie regulation is a 9-inch length limit and 15 fish daily harvest limit. Site Regulation: 15 fish daily limit; 9-inch minimum length limit.

Location: Lake Vermillion is located on the west edge of the City of Danville.

Description: Lake Vermilion is owned by the Consumers Illinois Water Company (CIWC), which has leased the surface rights to the Vermilion County Conservation District (VCCD) to make the lake available to the public for boating and fishing. Lake Vermilion has a maximum depth of 30 feet and an average depth of 12 feet.

Additional Lake Information: Two pole and line fishing only, except that sport anglers can take carp, carpsuckers, and buffalo by pitchfork, gigs, bow and arrow, or bow and arrow devices north of Boiling Springs Road, but not within 300 feet around the wetland boardwalk. Trotline and jug fishing are allowed north of Boiling Springs Road. Season Pass Decals or a Daily Fee Pass are required for all boats and can be obtained at the concession stand by the boat ramp.

Site Regulations:
Largemouth bass: 15" minimum length limit, 6 fish daily limit
Crappie: 9" minimum length limit; 15 fish daily limit.

Contact Information:
Lake Vermilion:
IDNR Fisheries Biologist, Mike Garthaus

There were 16 tournaments held on this waterbody in 2023.

Species Total Fish Caught
Crappie 55
Largemouth Bass 649
Smallmouth Bass 28

Top 5 Largemouth Bass caught on this waterbody in 2023 tournaments:

1     3.75 lbs
2     3.62 lbs
3     3.25 lbs
4     3.23 lbs
5     3.00 lbs

Top 5 Total Tournament Weight of Largemouth Bass caught on this waterbody in 2023 tournaments:

1 237.28 lbs
2 230.44 lbs
3 173.59 lbs
4 170.23 lbs
5 167.78 lbs