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Lake Information

County: Adams
Acreage: 58
Average Depth: 0.00 feet
Shoreline Length: 3.9 miles
Recreational Amenities
Boat Fishing? Electric Only
Boat Ramps? Yes
Boat Rental? Yes
Skiing? No
Swimming? No
Picnicking? Yes
Camping? Yes
Trout stocked in fall
Trout stocked in spring
There are no zebra mussels in this lake.
Fish Stocking | |||
Year |
Species |
Size |
Count |
2023 |
Walleye |
Fingerling 1 - 3" |
1300 |
2024 |
Channel Catfish |
Advanced Fingerling 4 - 7" |
744 |
2024 |
Rainbow Trout |
Adult |
458 |
2024 |
Rainbow Trout |
Fingerling 1 - 3" |
2516 |
2024 |
Walleye |
Fingerling 1 - 3" |
5351 |
Additional information for stocking on Siloam Springs Lake
Fishing Outlook ( Full PDF Report )
Click here for a list of all reports.
Species |
Rank |
Fish Status |
Improving | Bluegill were collected at a rate of 47 fish/hour during the 2020 survey. The population is composed of mainly 6-7” fish with some measuring over 7”. On average Bluegill exhibit poor body condition (Wr = 88). | |
Fair | We collected two Channel Catfish during the fall 2019 survey (2 fish/hour). These fish were in average body condition (Wr=95). No Channel Catfish were collected during the 2020 night electrofishing survey. Siloam Springs receives supplemental Channel Catfish stockings on a biennial schedule. | |
Poor | Spring trap net surveys will be set to properly assess the crappie population in 2021. Both Black Crappie and White Crappie are present but the few fish that get sampled are in poor body condition. One Black Crappie measuring 7.7” was collected in 2019. No crappie were collected in 2020. | |
Good | Since 2015, the Siloam Springs Largemouth Bass population has been characterized by many stunted, 9-12” bass, with a few very large individuals. This trend was observed in 2019 and 2020 samples. The 2020 night electrofishing survey yielded 58 Largemouth Bass per hour of effort. This sample resulted in a higher catch rate compared to the 2019 day time survey (CPUE = 23/hour). Fish collected in 2020 ranged from 3.5-21.6”. The heaviest Largemouth Bass collected in 2020 weighed 6.45lbs. 60% of the Largemouth Bass collected in 2020 fell in the 9-12” range, like 2019 results where 50% fell in the 9-12” range. | |
Very Good | Rainbow Trout are stocked in the spring and fall in Siloam Springs Lake as part of the Catchable Trout Program. This put-and-take fishery offers anglers an opportunity to participate in trout fishing. No Rainbow Trout were collected during the 2019 or 202 electrofishing surveys. | |
Fair | Few Redear Sunfish (N=12) were collected in 2020. Fish sampled had average body condition (Wr = 94). | |
Location: Siloam Spring Lake is located within Siloam Springs State Park, 11 miles south of Clayton off of Route 24 or 6 miles north of Route 104 in Adams County.
Description: This impoundment is 58 acres and has a maximum depth of 43 feet and a shoreline length of 3.9 miles. Siloam Springs Lake was built in 1955 to provide fishing opportunity to patrons of Siloam Springs State Park. The lake is clear and deep in a forested setting. Row boat and canoe rentals, and boat launch are available. Bank fishing is encouraged. Camping, picnic areas, hiking trails and equestrian trails are available.
History and Status of the Sport Fishery: This impoundment was first stocked with Smallmouth Bass by the Division of Fisheries in 1955. Redear Sunfish were added in 1956 and Channel Catfish in 1958. It was opened to fishing in the spring of 1958. An attempt to establish Rock Bass followed lake rehabilitation in 1962. Bluegill entered the lake by overflow from area ponds or angler introduction about that time and changed the fish population dynamics. In 1965 Largemouth Bass were stocked to provide a viable predator to control an overwhelming Bluegill population. Today the sport fishery includes Largemouth Bass, White Crappie, Bluegill, Redear Sunfish, and Channel Catfish. In addition, Rainbow Trout are stocked for the spring and fall trout seasons.
Consumption Advisory: Largemouth bass, crappie species, and bluegill are under a consumption advisory for Mercury contamination. It is advised that pregnant or nursing women, women of childbearing age, and children less than 15 years old consume no more than 1 meal/month, while women beyond childbearing age and males more than 15 years old are advised to consume no more than 1 meal/week.
Additional Lake Information: There is a concrete ramp on southeast shore. Boats can be powered by electric motors only.
Fishing Regulations:
- Two pole and line fishing only and each pole must not have more than 2 hooks or lures attached while fishing.
- Sport fishermen may harvest carp and suckers by bow and arrow devices, gigs or spears during May and June
- Largemouth Bass – Protected Slot Length Limit with no possession between 12 – 15”, 6 Fish Daily Harvest Limit.
- Channel Catfish – 6 Fish Daily Harvest Limit.
- Trout – closed spring (March 15) and fall (Oct 15) season through opening day, catch and release fly fishing permitted.
Contact Information: Siloam Springs State Park 217-894-6205 IDNR Fisheries Biologist, Blake Ruebush217-622-7219