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Lake Information
County: Clinton
Acreage: 24580
Average Depth: 11.00 feet
Shoreline Length: 80 miles
Recreational Amenities
Boat Fishing? Unrestricted
Boat Ramps? Yes
Boat Rental? Yes
Skiing? Yes
Swimming? Yes
Picnicking? Yes
Camping? Yes
Click on area names for a more detailed map.
Allen Branch,
Boulder Creek,
Coles Creek,
Dam West,
Patoka Access,
South Shore,
Tamalco Access
Maps are not intended for navigation.
There are no zebra mussels in this lake.
Fish Stocking | |||
Year |
Species |
Size |
Count |
2023 |
Blue Catfish |
Advanced Fingerling 4 - 7" |
6988 |
2023 |
Blue Catfish |
Fingerling 1 - 3" |
9820 |
2023 |
Largemouth Bass |
Advanced Fingerling 4 - 7" |
38643 |
2023 |
Largemouth Bass |
Fingerling 1 - 3" |
94819 |
2023 |
Redear Sunfish |
Fingerling 1 - 3" |
197217 |
2023 |
Sauger |
Fingerling 1 - 3" |
203153 |
2023 |
Striped Bass x White Bass (Wiper) |
Fingerling 1 - 3" |
28585 |
2024 |
Blue Catfish |
Advanced Fingerling 4 - 7" |
24609 |
2024 |
Largemouth Bass |
Advanced Fingerling 4 - 7" |
12772 |
2024 |
Largemouth Bass |
Fingerling 1 - 3" |
119930 |
2024 |
Redear Sunfish |
Fingerling 1 - 3" |
103062 |
2024 |
Sauger |
Fingerling 1 - 3" |
315962 |
2024 |
Striped Bass x White Bass (Wiper) |
Fingerling 1 - 3" |
9425 |
Additional information for stocking on Carlyle Lake
Fishing Outlook ( Full PDF Report )
Click here for a list of all reports.
Species |
Rank |
Fish Status |
Developing | Blue catfish were stocked for the first time in 2021. These fish should grow well and add an additional trophy fish to the existing catfish fishery. | |
Fair | The Bluegill population in Carlyle Lake remains fair. Catch rates during the 2023 survey were up with 111 fish collected per hour of electrofishing compared to 97 fish per hour in 2022. Twenty-one percent of the stock-sized (adult) Bluegill collected were over 6 inches, but very few were over 7 inches. Bluegill fishing should be fair for medium-sized fish in Carlyle Lake. | |
Good | The Channel Catfish population is very consistent in Carlyle Lake. We collected 10 Channel Catfish per hour, which is very similar to the numbers collected in the past 10 years of surveys. Lengths ranged from 12–27 inches and weights ranged from 1–7 pounds. Channel Catfish are abundant in the lake and should provide good angling opportunities for quality-sized fish. | |
Excellent | The crappie population in Carlyle Lake remains excellent. The combined catch rate of White and Black Crappie in our 2023 electrofishing survey was 51 fish per hour. The combined catch rate of White and Black Crappie in our 2023 spring trap netting survey was 29 fish per net-night. These numbers are consistent with previous surveys. Sixty-nine percent of the stock sized (adult) White Crappie collected by electrofishing were over the minimum length limit of 10 inches, and 29 percent of the Black Crappie were over 10 inches. Our 2023 spring netting survey had positive results as well. 66% of the stock-sized White Crappie and 26 percent of Black Crappie netted were over 10 inches. Nine percent of stock sized White Crappie and 10 percent of Black Crappie netted were over 12 inches. This shows a high percentage of quality sized fish present. A good number of young crappie were also collected in the 2023 surveys which should help ensure the quality of the population in coming years. Crappie fishing should be excellent for numbers of fish and size quality. Site Regulation: 10 inch minimum length limit/15 fish per day creel limit | |
Very Good | The Flathead Catfish population is very consistent in Carlyle Lake. We collected 5 Flathead Catfish per hour, which is very similar to the numbers collected in the past 10 years of surveys. Lengths ranged from 8–36 inches and weights ranged from less than a pound to 35 pounds. There is an abundance of large fish in the population that should provide good angling opportunities for quality sized fish. Flathead Catfish fishing should be very good in Carlyle Lake. | |
Fair | We collected 25 Largemouth Bass per hour during the 2023 electrofishing survey, which is very similar to the 27 per hour collected in the 2022 survey. Thirty-five percent of the stock-sized (adult) fish collected were longer than the minimum length limit of 14 inches, and 29 percent were over 15 inches. Four percent were over 18 inches. The largest bass collected was 20 inches and weighed 4.6 pounds. Young of the year fish were also collected indicating some spawning occurred in 2023. Fish of all sizes were in excellent body condition indicating an abundant forage base (primarily Gizzard Shad) and good growth. Angling opportunities for Largemouth Bass should be fair to good. Site Regulation: 14 inch minimum length limit, 6 fish per day creel limit. | |
Developing | The IDNR is stocking redear sunfish. | |
Good | The Sauger catch rate during the 2023 survey was one fish per hour, which is consistent with the numbers collected in the past 10 years of surveys. Lengths ranged from 7–21.5 inches. Although Sauger do not occur in high numbers in our surveys, they are an established species in Carlyle Lake and should provide good fishing opportunities for anglers that know how to target them. | |
Very Good | White Bass remain very abundant and exhibit a good population structure. The catch rate during our 2023 survey was 75 White Bass per hour, which is up from 59 per hour collected in 2022. Multiple year classes were collected including young of the year fish, indicating a successful spawning effort. The overall size is down a little from previous surveys. Thirty-six percent of the stock sized (adult) fish collected were over 12 inches; 16 percent were over 13 inches; and 7 percent were over 14 inches. Expect White Bass fishing to be very good with high numbers but slightly smaller sizes. Site Regulation: No creel limit if under 17 inches; 3 fish per day combined creel limit of White Bass, Striped Bass, Yellow Bass, and their hybrids if 17 inches or longer. | |
Location: Carlyle Lake is located in southwestern Illinois, 50 miles east of St. Louis, principally in Clinton County, with Carlyle being the largest city bordering the water.
Description: Carlyle Lake was completed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in 1967 and was formed by damming the Kaskaskia River, the same stream that is the main tributary to Lake Shelbyville, upstream to the north. This lake has a maximum depth 35 feet and an average depth 11 feet.
If you enjoy catching catfish, mammoth Carlyle Lake, the largest man-made lake in the state, could be your Utopia. The 24,580-acre lake very well might be the finest channel cat fishery in Illinois, and they are eagerly sought by pole-and-line fishermen and trotliners alike. Virtually rectangular shaped, the lake is about 15 miles long and two to three miles wide. It is shallow, averaging about 11 feet in depth, and lies in flat, gently rolling country. Carlyle Lake is a typically open body of water and can soon kick up high, dangerous waves when strong winds occur. The lake is divided by the Burlington Northern Railroad tracks, which span the water from the towns of Keysport to Boulder. The upper portion is quite shallow, averaging about three feet deep, and consists mostly flooded timber and brush which was left standing when the lake filled. Besides the main Kaskaskia River Tributary, this area of the lake has a number of smaller creeks feeding it: Hurricane, Bear, Maggot, East Fork and North Fork. These streams offer excellent fishing opportunities. There are two public access areas for easy entry to this portion of the lake: Tamalco on the west and Patoka on the east. Below the railroad tracks, the lower two-thirds of the lake is quite open except for some timber left standing in three of the major bays.
History and Status of the Sport Fishery: The primary sport fish include Largemouth Bass, Bluegill, Redear Sunfish, Black and White Crappie, White Bass, Sauger, Channel Catfish, and Flathead Catfish. Carlyle Lake provides good fishing for most of these species. The populations of some of the primary sport fish tend to cycle year to year. Currently the lake supports excellent populations of crappie, catfish, and White Bass. Fish population surveys are conducted annually. Fish that are stocked annually include Sauger, Largemouth Bass, crappie, and Redear Sunfish. Hybrid striped bass and Blue Catfish have been stocked annually since 2021 and will continue to be stocked when available.
Additional Lake Information: There is no outboard motor size limit. Eleven boat ramps are located at various recreational areas around the lake. In addition, there are three boat ramps on the Kaskaskia River, one just above and two below the reservoir. Carlyle Lake offers several camping facilities as well as cottages. There are two bait shops located in town and three full-service marinas.
Site Regulations:
Largemouth or smallmouth bass: 14" minimum length limit, 6 fish daily limit
Crappie (black, white, or hybrid): 10” minimum length limit, 15 fish daily limit
Sauger, walleye, or hybrid, 14” minimum length limit, 6 fish daily limit
White Bass: no limit if under 17"; 3 fish per day combined creel limit of White Bass, Striped Bass, Yellow Bass, and their hybrids if 17 inches or longer.
Contact Information: IDNR Fisheries Biologist, Ben Lubinski618-462-0362
Multiple day tournaments are listed with * end date.
Interested in participating in one of these public tournaments? Contact us with tournament ID for more information.
2025 Approved or Pending Tournaments | ||||||||
Start Date | ID | Approval | Ramp Location | Bank/Boat Hook/Bow |
Max Boats | Species | Youth? | Open to Public? |
April-13 | 27996 | Approved | Eldon Hazlet SRA Allen Branch | boathook | 20 | Crappie | No | No |
May-18 | 28362 | Approved | Keyesport | boathook | 20 | Largemouth Bass | No | Yes |
May-31 | 28363 | Approved | Keyesport | boathook | 20 | Largemouth Bass | No | Yes |
June-14 | 28364 | Approved | Keyesport | boathook | 20 | Largemouth Bass | No | Yes |
August-17 | 28405 | Pending | Eldon Hazlet SRA Allen Branch | boathook | 15 | Largemouth Bass | No | No |
September-14 | 27548 | Approved | Eldon Hazlet SRA Allen Branch | boathook | 15 | Largemouth Bass | No | No |
September-21 | 28365 | Approved | Keyesport | boathook | 20 | Largemouth Bass | No | Yes |
September-28 | 28366 | Approved | Keyesport | boathook | 20 | Largemouth Bass | No | Yes |