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Lake Information

County: McDonough

Acreage: 244

Average Depth: 0.00 feet

Shoreline Length: 6.1 miles

Recreational Amenities

Boat Fishing? No HP Limit

Boat Ramps? Yes

Boat Rental? Yes

Skiing? No

Swimming? No

Picnicking? Yes

Camping? Yes

There are no zebra mussels in this lake.

Fish Stocking






Blue Catfish

Advanced Fingerling 4 - 7"







Striped Bass x White Bass (Wiper)

Fingerling 1 - 3"



Blue Catfish

Advanced Fingerling 4 - 7"







Striped Bass x White Bass (Wiper)

Fingerling 1 - 3"


Additional information for stocking on Spring Lake - McDonough County

Fishing Outlook  ( Full PDF Report )

Click here for a list of all reports.



Fish Status



In 2018, the stocking of 5,976 blue catfish at 5.9 inches occurred in Spring Lake! The IDNR Little Grassy Hatchery began production in 2018 using brood fish obtained from Powerton Lake and the Mississippi River near Grafton. It will be exciting to evaluate this introduction. In 2022, 2 blue catfish from 15 to 16 inches were collected in the spring trap net, and anglers have reported catching them. In 2020, Little Grassy hatchery stocked an additional 2,490 blue catfish at 4.8 inches on 10/8/2020. In 2021, 8,300 fish at 5.1 inches were stocked. In 2022, 8,300 fish at 5.9 inches were stocked. And in 2023, 4,161 fish at 6.6 inches were stocked. In 2023, the blue catfish population was surveyed using low pulse DC boat electrofishing in June and September. The June survey collected 54 fish from 7.8 inches to 23.9 inches in 60 minutes. The September survey collected 24 fish from 10 inches to 20.2 inches in 30 minutes. The blue catfish stocking appears to have created a fast-growing population with high survival. The average relative weight was 102 for the June survey fish. Future targeted survey will be completed to evaluate the blue catfish population in Spring Lake.



The bluegill population was sampled by 78 fish in fall 2023 electrofishing survey. The current bluegill population is rated as average with the larger fish up to 7.5 inches in length. This population is of moderate density and in good body condition with a Wr average of 97. The competition with the gizzard shad and carp have limited the bluegill condition and growth.



The channel catfish population was sampled by 20 fish in the spring trap net survey and 36 fish in the fall 2023 electrofishing survey. The current channel catfish population is rated as excellent with the larger fish up to 30 inches in length! This population is of high density and in good body condition. No annual stocking of non-vulnerable channel catfish has occurred in Spring Lake. A natural reproducing population is well established.



In 2023, 11 hybrid striped bass were sampled in the spring trap net survey and 5 in the fall electrofishing survey. They ranged in size from 5 to 29.4 inches in length. The average body condition was low for the younger fish but very high for the fish over 15 inches. A low-density population of hybrid striped bass up to trophy size will be available in Spring Lake. Competition from the dense yellow bass and crappie populations for the appropriate size food will be the biggest challenge for the annual stocking of hybrid striped bass in Spring Lake.



In 2023, 20 net nights of spring trap netting and 120 minutes of fall D.C. electrofishing was used to survey the fish population. The largemouth bass population was evaluated by 78 bass of stock size from electrofishing. The largemouth bass population appears to be defined by a high percentage of fish from 5 to 20 inches in length with a very good average Relative weight of 97. The 5-year averages from 2012 to 2016 were PSD of 61, RSD15 of 33, RSD16 of 23, and RSD18 of 10. And a 5 year average CPUE .9 fish per minute over 8 inches with pulse D.C. electrofishing. The 2023 electrofishing survey indicated a size structure that was at a PSD of 38, RSD15 of 19, RSD16 of 18 and the RSD18 of 13. These are a decline from the 5 year average for fish under 16 inches in length. The collection rate was .7 fish per minute over 8 inches in length and this was also below the 5 year average. The current bass population is present in a moderate density of fast-growing fish. This is a good largemouth bass population.



A total of 11 muskie were sampled in the spring trap net survey in 2023. These fish ranged from 23 to 39 inches long. The body condition of these fish was very good at an average Wr of 126. A low-density population, of quality size muskie are present in Spring Lake. Jake Wolf Hatchery stocked 281 muskie at 10.75 inches in 2016, 279 fish at 12.5 inches in 2017, 281 fish at 12.5 inches in 2018, 281 fish at 13.5 inches in 2019 and no muskie were stocked in 2020, 279 fish at 13 inches in 2021, 278 fish at 12.5 inches in 2022, and 278 fish at 12.25 inches in 2023. An annual stocking is now scheduled to maintain a low density of healthy muskie. In 2017, the muskie harvest regulation was changed from the statewide 1 fish daily harvest at a 36-inch minimum size, to a 42-inch minimum and 1 fish per day harvest limit. The goal of the new regulation is to protect the fish for at least 1 more year from angler harvest.



The walleye population was sampled by 3 fish in the spring trap net survey and 5 fish in the fall electrofishing survey. The size range was from 17.2 to 23.3 inches in length. The body condition was good with a Wr value of 96. And fish from both the 2020 and 2018 stockings were sampled. A stocking of 4,340 walleye at 1.7 inches in length occurred in 2021 from LaSalle hatchery. In 2017, the walleye regulation was increased to an 18-inch minimum length limit and 3 fish daily harvest limit. The spring trap nets, fall electrofishing and angler harvest reports should allow a continued evaluation of the walleye population.


Very Good

The white crappie population has been very dense in recent years. The 5-year averages from 2015 to 2022 were an RSD10 of 23 and an RSD11 of 15. Only 72 black crappies have been sampled in 2015 thru 2023 by electrofishing, and this population is at a very low density. In 2023, the white crappie population was sampled by 117 fish in the spring trap net survey and 68 fish in the fall electrofishing survey. The size structure was consistent with an average of 20% of the collected fish over 10 inches and 12% over 11 inches in length. The average WR value of 99 was also good.



The yellow bass population was sub-sampled by 6 fish from 6 to 8.5 inches in length. The current size structure can allow the harvest of yellow bass by anglers. Typically, the yellow bass populations can be very cyclic from a high density of small fish to a low density of fish over 7 inches.

Location: Spring Lake is located approximately 2 miles northwest of Macomb in McDonough County with access off of County Highway 20.

Description: Spring Lake is a medium sized watershed impoundment owned by the City of Macomb as their water supply reservoir. The lake is managed for fishing by the Illinois Department of Natural Resources.

The original lake was constructed in 1927 by the damming of Spring Creek. In 1969, a new and larger dam was constructed to form a reservoir of 277 acres. Currently, Spring Lake has a size of 244 acres, maximum depth of 32 feet, a shoreline of 6.1 miles and a centerline of 2.2 miles. A boat ramp and parking area is located at the east end of the lake. Other facilities provided at the Spring Lake Park include: camping, concessionaire, lodging, boat rental, hiking & biking trails and picnic areas.

History and Status of the Sport Fishery: Spring Lake and its sport fishery are evaluated annually by spring trapnetting and electrofishing which direct fish stockings, fishing regualtions and management.

Additional Lake Information: All Fish: 2 pole and line fishing only.

Site Regulations:
Walleye, Sauger, or Hybrid Walleye: 18 inch minimum length limit, 3 fish daily limit
Muskie: 42 inch minimum and 1 fish per day limit
Largemouth or smallmouth bass: 15 inch minimum length limit, 3 fish daily limit
Channel or blue catfish: 6 fish daily limit
Striped, white or hybrid striped bass: 17 inch minimum size limit, 3 fish daily limit

Recreational Use Restrictions:
All live bait greater then 8 inches must be rigged with a quick set rig.
No horsepower limit with a “no wake” restriction.
Swimming is not permitted.

Contact Information:
Spring Lake Park
IDNR Fisheries Biologist, Rob Hilsabeck