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Fish Status



Channel catfish are extremely abundant in the Rock River in most all areas. In 2017 a survey was done on the Rock River from Dixon to Sterling to check the status of the channel catfish. Data from a total of 244 channel catfish were collected. The largest numbers of channel catfish were collected below the Sterling Lower Dam where there was a catch rate of 8.7 fish/net night. The fish collected ranged in size from 11 to 30.7 inches, with the majority collected (83%) over 16" in length, and 21% of these over 24". This is great news for fishermen looking for good size fish. The largest catfish collected was just over 30" in length and weighed 11.4 pounds. The average weight of the fish collected in this study was 3.78 pounds.



The Rock River is one of the best rivers in the state for catching trophy size flathead catfish. A survey was done in 2018. Sites were all sampled using an electrofishing boat, which is generally less effective at collecting catfish due to their propensity to dwell near the bottom of the river. However, even though electrofishing generally doesn’t target catfish, a total of 108 flatheads were still collected. A total of 72 adult fish were collected, with 42 over 16", 14 of preferred size (over 24"), and 11 of memorable size (over 28"). Six of the fish collected were in the trophy range (over 36"), representing 8% of the adult sample! The majority of the flathead catfish collected were found in the lower end of the Rock River, from Castle Rock State Park to Moline, with the largest number collected near Prophetstown State Park. The average size of the adult fish collected was 20”.


Very Good

Smallmouth bass are common and abundant in the Rock River. A survey done in 2018 found the overall catch per unit of effort (CPUE) was 0.6 fish/ minute. This is quite good since bass were not the primary target. The Catch/Unit of Effort (CPUE) for stock size fish (those over 7”) was 0.5 fish/ minute. The number of fish over 14” (preferred size) was within the acceptable range. The largest individuals collected were over 18” in length (trophy size) near Prophetstown, as well as near Grand Detour. Other good areas are below the dams in Rockford, Dixon and Oregon.


Very Good

Walleye are stocked each year into the Rock River to provide a quality sport fishery for this species. Fishing is generally good below the dams and at the mouths of the tributaries. Walleye ranging in size up to and over the state record weight have been caught in recent years in the upper Rock River and the Pecatonica River, a tributary of the Rock near Rockford. A survey conducted in the fall of 2016 near Dixon found a catch rate of .5 fish/ minute with a total of 53 fish of all sizes collected in 110 minutes, well over the target rate for stocking success. The largest collected was just over 5.6 pounds. Fishermen regularly report catching memorable size walleye from Sterling up through Rockford. Best fishing for walleye is in the upper Rock River, north of Rockford however anglers report good fishing near Dixon and at Prophetstown State Park.

Contact Information:
IDNR Fisheries Biologist, Karen Rivera

There were 16 tournaments held on this waterbody in 2023.

Species Total Fish Caught
Channel Catfish 205
Flathead Catfish 42
Largemouth Bass 47
Smallmouth Bass 87
Smallmouth Buffalo 5

Top 5 Largemouth Bass caught on this waterbody in 2023 tournaments:

1     3.81 lbs
2     3.75 lbs
3     3.62 lbs
4     3.62 lbs
5     3.50 lbs

Top 5 Total Tournament Weight of Largemouth Bass caught on this waterbody in 2023 tournaments:

1 15.25 lbs
2 14.91 lbs
3 13.19 lbs
4 10.00 lbs
5 9.15 lbs

Multiple day tournaments are listed with * end date.

Interested in participating in one of these public tournaments? Contact us with tournament ID for more information.

2024 Approved or Pending Tournaments
Start Date ID Approval Ramp Location Bank/Boat
Max Boats Species Youth? Open to Public?
26388ApprovedMartin Park boat
30Channel Catfish
Flathead Catfish