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Lake Information

County: DuPage
Acreage: 9
Average Depth: 9.50 feet
Recreational Amenities
Boat Fishing? No boats allowed
Boat Ramps? No
Boat Rental? No
Skiing? No
Swimming? No
Picnicking? No
Camping? No
Maps are not intended for navigation.
There are no zebra mussels in this lake.
Fishing Outlook ( Full PDF Report )
Click here for a list of all reports.
Species |
Rank |
Fish Status |
Good | Bluegill were abundant in the fall survey. Of the 57 bluegill sampled, only one fish measured longer than six inches. Site Regulations: 25 fish daily limit. | |
Average | Channel catfish are stocked regularly in White Pine Pond but are notoriously difficult to sample in deep clear ponds. Site Regulations: 12-inch minimum length limit; 3 fish daily limit. | |
Good | During the fall survey, bass were caught at a rate that is lower than the management goal, however gear bias based on the pond morphology is most likely to blame. The bass ranged in length from 3.1 to 20.5 inches, with the largest bass weighing 4.2 pounds. Forty percent of the bass were longer than 16 inches. Site Regulations: 14-18" protected slot limit; 4 fish daily limit with 3 fish that can be harvested under 14 inches and 1 fish longer than 18 inches | |
Very Good | Redear sunfish are present in White Pine Pond. They are not as abundant as bluegill, but redears over seven inches were sampled in the recent surveys. Redear sunfish tend to use deeper water than their bluegill cousins, which makes them a little more difficult to sample or catch. Site Regulations: 25 fish daily limit. | |
Location: White Pine Pond is located in Blackwell Forest Preserve on Butterfield Road (Route 56) 0.5 miles west of Winfield Road in Warrenville. From the first parking lot off of Butterfield, White Pine Pond is a 50 yard walk (White Pine Pond is the larger of the two adjacent ponds). Parking is also available north of the ponds.
Description: White Pine Pond is a 9 acre dug pond with a maximum depth of 15 feet and an average depth of 9.5 feet. White Pine Pond is one of 30 lakes and ponds owned and maintained for sport fishing by the Forest Preserve District of DuPage County (FPDDC). There is good shoreline fishing access available via a mowed trail around the two ponds. No watercraft allowed. The FPDDC has installed several fish attracting structures in this pond.
History and Status of the Sport Fishery: These waters have been under management by the FPDDC Fishery Ecologist to provide quality sport fishing opportunities. In 1984, the FPDDC entered into a cooperative management agreement with the Illinois Department of Natural Resources to facilitate management activities. Largemouth bass are stocked to supplement natural reproduction as needed. Channel catfish are stocked regularly. Good numbers of sunfish (bluegills and redear) at this pond should offer fast action on light tackle. Hybrid sunfish and yellow perch were also present. Black crappie and pumpkinseed have occurred in previous samples at White Pine Pond.
Great shore fishing access makes this pond a great family fishing destination. White Pine Pond is difficult to electrofish based on it steep drop offs and clear water. A fall survey was conducted due to extremely low catch during the spring survey.
Additional Lake Information: No watercraft allowed. Two pole and line fishing only.
Site Regulations:
Largemouth bass: 14-18" protected slot limit; 4 fish daily limit with 3 fish that can be harvested under 14 inches and 1 fish longer than 18 inches
Bluegill and redear sunfish: No minimum length limit; 25 fish daily limit
White and black crappie: No minimum length limit; 15 fish daily limit
Yellow perch: 9-inch minimum length limit; 5 fish daily limit.
Northern pike: 24-inch minimum length limit; 3 fish daily limit (statewide regulation)
Channel catfish: 12-inch minimum length limit; 3 fish daily limit
Contact Information: Forest Preserve District of DuPage CountyDan Grigas 630-933-7668IDNR Fisheries Biologist, Andy Plauck815-675-2386 ext. 214