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Lake Information

County: DUPAGE

Acreage: 10

Average Depth: 0.00 feet

Recreational Amenities

Boat Ramps? No

Boat Rental? No

Skiing? No

Swimming? No

There are zebra mussels in this lake.



Fish Status



34 Bluegill were caught in the 2023 sample. These numbers are too low to infer any population structure and most likely have to do with water levels and the steep-sided, deep shorelines of Eagle Lake. In the Bluegill sample 36% of the stock (fish three inches or greater) were longer than six inches. Bluegill up to 6.9 inches were captured. Bluegill averaged 5.5 inches in length. Average relative weights were in the “good” range.



Population indices for Largemouth Bass suggest that the population is doing well. Almost all the population indices were better than last survey (2019). Bass in the sample ranged in length from 4.3 to 22.5 inches, with the largest weighing 5.6 pounds. Bass over six pounds have been collected in Eagle Lake. Catch rates have declined since 2011 when bass were captured at a rate of 106 fish per hour. The 2023 catch rate was 86 fish per hour which is higher than the management goal of 60 fish per hour. At this level of abundance Largemouth Bass should not become overabundant and stunted. The PSD of 56 suggests that the Largemouth Bass population is balanced and within the management goals. Of all the bass over 8 inches in the sample, 56% were of quality size (12 inches) or greater. Eleven percent of the stock were longer than 15 inches and 5% were longer than 18 inches. This indicate a high abundance of “quality size” bass (over 12 inches). The relative weight of the average Largemouth Bass indicates that bass have enough forage.



Only 5 Redear Sunfish were caught in the 2023 sample. These numbers are too low to infer any population structure and most likely have to do with water levels and the steep-sided, deep shorelines of Eagle Lake. Redear measured up to 9.7 inches. Redear Sunfish averaged 7.0 inches in length. Average relative weights were in the “good” range.

History and Status of the Sport Fishery: In total, 122 fish belonging to six species were captured in our 2023 survey: Largemouth Bass (N=72) and Bluegill (N=34) made up 87% of the fish collected. Common Carp, Redear Sunfish, Channel Catfish, and Green Sunfish were also collected. Black Crappie, Blackstripe Topminnow, Gizzard Shad, Hybrid Sunfish and Warmouth are also present in Eagle Lake but were not captured in this survey.

Other notable fish species include a pair of large Channel Catfish (21 and 23 inches). Large schools of gizzard shad were noted in a supplemental fall survey.

Additional Lake Information: Two pole and line fishing only.

Site Regulations:

Largemouth Bass: 14-18-inch protected slot limit; 4 fish daily limit with 3 fish that can be harvested under 14 inches and 1 fish 18 inches and larger
Bluegill: No minimum length limit; 25 fish daily limit
Channel Catfish: 12-inch minimum length limit; 3 fish daily limit
White and Black Crappie: No minimum length limit; 15 fish daily limit
Northern Pike: 24-inch minimum length limit; 3 fish daily limit (statewide regulation)
Yellow Perch: 9-inch minimum length limit; 5 fish daily limit

Contact Information:
IDNR Fisheries Biologist, Andy Plauck
815-675-2386 ext. 214