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Lake Information

County: Ogle

Acreage: 77

Average Depth: 8.50 feet

Shoreline Length: 1.4 miles

Recreational Amenities

Boat Fishing? 10 HP or less

Boat Ramps? Yes

Boat Rental? No

Skiing? No

Swimming? No

Picnicking? Yes

Camping? No

There are no zebra mussels in this lake.

Fish Stocking






Largemouth Bass

Advanced Fingerling 4 - 7"







Channel Catfish

Advanced Fingerling 4 - 7"



Largemouth Bass

Advanced Fingerling 4 - 7"



Largemouth Bass

Fingerling 1 - 3"







Walleye x Sauger (Saugeye)

Fingerling 1 - 3"


Additional information for stocking on Sule, Lake

Fishing Outlook  ( Full PDF Report )

Click here for a list of all reports.



Fish Status



A total of 527 Bluegills were collected ranging from 2.0 – 7.9 in, with 526 greater than stock size (3.1"). Average length was 15.9". Body condition (as indexed by relative weight) fell within the goal range. A high body condition indicates sufficient forage for fish growth. Despite Bluegill densities being high, and good Bluegill body condition, very few larger Bluegill were collected. This is to be expected with the poor Largemouth bass population.



A total of 21 Largemouth Bass were collected ranging from 4.6 – 19.6", with 18 of those fish greater than stock-size (7.9"). Average length was 10.5". Both the PSD and RSD-14 fell below their respective target ranges. A lower PSD and RSD-14 value could indicate a growth bottleneck due to an overabundance of stock= and quality-sized Largemouth. This is to be expected with the supplemental stocking program. The stocking does look to be improving the overall population of the bass in the lake. This program will be reevaluated in 2025 to see if it is still improving.



A spring Muskie trap net survey took place in April 2024 on Lake Sule. A community assessment survey took place in May 2024. A total of 2 Muskellunge were collected ranging from 14.4 – 29.2", with 3 of those fish greater than stock-size 20.1". Average length was 21.8". The 2024 netting survey yielded no quality and above-sized fish for the fourth year in a row. This adds to the evidence of a total Muskie kill during the 2020 fish kill.

SAUGEYE (Walleye/Sauger Hybrid)


Saugeye were initially stocked in 2022 and will be stocked every year. Future population surveys will be conducted to evaluate stocking success.

Location: Lake Sule is located at the junction of I39 and I88 southeast of Rochelle in Ogle County Illinois.

Description: The lake has a maximum depth of 15 feet with an average depth of 8.5 feet. The lake is nearly rectangular in shape with a shoreline of 1.4 miles and no bays or indentations. With 76.6 acres the lake contains 653.7-acre feet of water or nearly 213 million gallons.

History and Status of the Sport Fishery: Lake Sule is a dug borrow pit whose fill was used for overpass construction of I-39 and the junction of I-88 southeast of Rochelle. Digging commenced in 1979 and the lake was formed in January 1982 after digging had stopped in the fall of 1981. An incoming ditch drains the interstate highway and agricultural land to the east. The outflow forms a major eastern tributary of the Kyte Creek system. Through the efforts of Mike Sule and Lyle Kundy, the Flagg-Rochelle Park District was deeded this property in 1982 as a future fishing lake and recreational area. In 1991 a boating grant was awarded to the park district for development of facilities and a boat launch. By 1994 a boat launch and an access road were in place. In October 1996 the lake was dedicated as Lake Sule in the Lyle Kundy recreational area in a well-attended outdoor ceremony.

No Vegetation treatments were required in 2024. Lake Sule develops a heavy algae bloom in the summer producing a shallow Secchi depth. The lake drains approximately 700 acres of agricultural land, along with roadside drainage from I-39 and I-88. Major water quality issue and shoreline degradation has developed due to the wave action on this lake.

Rough fish access Lake Sule through the discharge ditch, which is a direct connection to the Rock River via Kite Creek. A rock barrier was constructed, but had to be removed due to tile drainage issues. River Carp Suckers, Freshwater Drum, Buffalo Species, Common Carp, and Gizzard Shad have been sampled in Lake Sule. Due to the summer 2020 die off, the spring removal efforts and the fall sample showed a significant reduction in rough fish.

Additional Lake Information: Site Regulations:
2 Pole and Line Fishing Only
Large or Smallmouth Bass: 1 fish daily limit; 14˝ minimum length limit
Bluegill or Redear Sunfish: 5 fish daily limit (No minimum length limit)
Channel Catfish: 6 fish daily limit (No minimum length limit)
Pure Muskellunge: 1 fish daily limit; 36˝ minimum length limit
Striped, White, or Hybrid Striped Bass: 3 fish daily limit 17˝ length or longer
Walleye, Sauger, or Saugeye: 6 fish daily limit; 14˝ minimum length limit
White, Black, or Hybrid Crappie: 10 fish daily limit (No minimum length limit)

Contact Information:
Flagg-Rochelle Park District
IDNR Fisheries Biologist, Brennan Caputo