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Lake Information

County: Winnebago

Acreage: 26

Average Depth: 13.00 feet

Shoreline Length: 1.3 miles

Recreational Amenities

Boat Fishing? No

Boat Ramps? No

Boat Rental? No

Skiing? No

Swimming? No

Picnicking? Yes

Camping? No

  Trout stocked in fall

  Trout stocked in spring

There are no zebra mussels in this lake.

Fish Stocking






Channel Catfish

Non-vulnerable 8 - 10"


Additional information for stocking on Baumann Park Lake

Fishing Outlook  ( Full PDF Report )

Click here for a list of all reports.



Fish Status



Bluegills were collected ranging from 2.8 – 7.6". Average length was 4.2". This survey met the minimum required number of fish. Body condition was within its respective range. Despite Bluegill densities being high, very few larger Bluegill were collected. This could be due to the heavy fishing pressure put on the lake. It’s also possible that larger fish are present but were difficult to collect due to water clarity and water depth.



Largemouth Bass were collected ranging from 3.5 – 19.8". Average length was 12". This survey met the minimum required number of fish to accurately quantify population demographics. Body condition exceeded the 90th percentile. A high body condition indicates sufficient forage for fish growth. A high PSD and RSD-14 value coupled with the good body condition indicate high quality bass fishery but could be problematic for future populations.

Location: The lake is a featured item in Cherry Valley village park that provides a wide variety of recreational activities. The main purpose of the lake is to provide recreational bank fishing for the casual angler who lives in close proximity to the lake. The lake may contain trophy bass and large catfish at times, but the mainstay of the fishery will be Rainbow Trout, Bluegill, Channel catfish and smaller Largemouth bass for the more occasional and less experienced angler.

Description: The 26-acre lake has a maximum depth of 22 feet and an average depth of 13 feet. The shoreline is 6,800 feet (1.29 miles) with a SDI of 1.80. The bank slope is generally steep except for the east shore which is a sand flat. The lake is fed primarily by ground water, but in periods of extreme floods the Kishwaukee River bordering the west end of the park can discharge into the lake. The extremely clear water enables weed growth to reach 22 feet and is composed of Chara, Milfoil, Elodea, Coontail, Buttercup, and American, Leafy, Small, Sago and Curlyleaf pondweed. The lake has a boat ramp for special use, but the lake is only open to bank fishing. The entire shoreline is accessible to fishermen.

History and Status of the Sport Fishery: Baumann Lake is a groundwater fed gravel pit that is located in a village park in Cherry Valley. Gravel operations began in early 1980’s and when completed the pit became impounded and was deeded to the village. The first survey was undertaken in June 1990, and the lake was first open to public fishing in 1991. Initial fish stocking was undertaken by private individuals followed by state stockings beginning in 1993. The village applied for a Clean Lakes Grant and received it in 1996. As part of the program, contaminant samples were taken on Largemouth bass and found to be below action levels for all tests. A community assessment survey took place on 05/09/23 and consisted of 2 daytime DC-electrofishing runs for a total of 30 minutes of sampling effort. Overall, 7 species and 192 individual fish were collected.

Additional Lake Information:
All Fish: 2 Pole and line fishing only
Large or Smallmouth Bass: 1 Fish daily limit -14˝ minimum
Channel Catfish: 6 Fish daily limit

Contact Information:
Village of Cherry Valley
IDNR Fisheries Biologist, Brennan Caputo