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Lake Information
County: DUPAGE
Acreage: 14
Average Depth: 8.50 feet
Recreational Amenities
Boat Ramps? No
Boat Rental? No
Skiing? No
Swimming? No
Maps are not intended for navigation.
There are no zebra mussels in this lake.
Fishing Outlook ( Full PDF Report )
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Species |
Rank |
Fish Status |
Improving | Bluegill were captured at a rate of 66 fish per hour. This is a very low catch rate for Bluegill. We like to see at least 120 fish per hour in a healthy Bluegill population. The largest Bluegill measured 6.3 inches. The low catch rate and small size in Bluegill may be due to explosion of the Yellow Bass population as well as nest destruction from Common Carp. | |
Very Good | Common Carp are abundant in Songbird Lake. Carp ranged in length from 14.6 to 23.2 inches. Common carp dislodge vegetation and cloud the water with their feeding behavior of “rooting” through the substrate. Unlimited harvest is encouraged for this detrimental species. | |
Improving | Twenty-four Largemouth Bass were sampled in 70 minutes of electrofishing. We like to see this number closer to a fish a minute. The largest bass sampled was 17.4 inches. Adult bass from other area lakes have been stocked and active removals of carp and Yellow Bass should improve this lake in the future. Our electrofishing sample may have under-estimated the bass population due to the large portion of the lake that is designated as a bird sanctuary. The inaccessible, shallow marshy bird sanctuary may be more desirable to spawning bass than the areas we could sample. | |
Good | Seventy-four Yellow Bass were caught in 70 minutes of electrofishing. They ranged in length from 5.0 to 6.5 inches. This species can reach nuisance levels very quickly without a proper predator population. They compete with many life stages of other fish and when over-abundant, they rarely reach harvestable sizes. Anglers should harvest all Yellow Bass they catch. | |
Location: Songbird Lake is located at the Songbird Slough Forest Preserve on Mill Road, 1.5 miles north of Lake Street (Rt. 20) in Itasca.
Description: Songbird Lake is a 15 acre excavated addition to Songbird Slough with a maximum depth of 19 feet and an average depth of 8.5 feet. The northern side of the lake is open to fishing; the southern portion (wetland) serves as a bird sanctuary. Songbird Lake is one of 30 lakes and ponds owned and maintained for sport fishing by the Forest Preserve District of DuPage County (FPDDC). There is limited shoreline fishing access available via mowed paths around the preserve. The FPDDC has installed several fish attracting structures in this lake.
History and Status of the Sport Fishery: These waters are under management of the FPDDC Fishery Ecologist to provide quality sport fishing opportunities. In 1984, the FPDDC entered into a cooperative management agreement with the Illinois Department of Natural Resources to facilitate management activities. The 2014 survey found an overabundance of Yellow Bass. To combat this, Northern Pike, Largemouth Bass and Channel Catfish are stocked regularly. Common Carp are also overabundant. Six active removal efforts of Carp and Yellow Bass have occurred since 2018 removing over 1,100 pounds of Carp and over 525 Yellow Bass (individuals). Removal efforts will continue on an annual or bi-annual basis as an experimental project. Further summarization of this data is in the works.
Largemouth Bass and Bluegill abundance improved slightly since 2018, but are still rated as poor. A few quality sized Largemouth Bass are available they are just few and far between. The fishery is best for Common Carp and Yellow Bass right now – and those fish should be harvested. Northern Pike, Channel Catfish, Black and White Crappie, Golden Shiner and Fathead Minnows are also present in the lake.
Additional Lake Information: Two pole and line fishing only.
Site Regulations:
Largemouth Bass: 14–18-inch protected slot limit; 4 fish daily creel limit with 3 fish that can be harvested under 14 inches and 1 fish 18 inches and larger
Bluegill: No minimum length limit; 25 fish daily limit
Channel Catfish: 12-inch minimum length limit; 3 fish daily limit
White and black crappie: No minimum length limit; 15 fish daily limit
Contact Information:
Forest Preserve District of DuPage County
IDNR Fisheries Biologist, Andy Plauck
815-675-2386 ext. 214