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Lake Information

County: Morgan
Acreage: 200
Average Depth: 0.00 feet
Recreational Amenities
Boat Fishing? 25hp / idle speed
Boat Ramps? Yes
Boat Rental? No
Skiing? No
Swimming? No
Picnicking? Yes
There are no zebra mussels in this lake.
Fishing Outlook ( Full PDF Report )
Click here for a list of all reports.
Species |
Rank |
Fish Status |
Poor | This population is poor. The relative weights are average, but no fish collected exceeded 7”. In lakes where Gizzard Shad are present Bluegill tend to exhibit slow growth due to competition for food resources. | |
Very Good | The 2022 spring netting survey turned into a great catfish survey. Channel Catfish measured 8.0-26.0” and weighed up to 7.0lbs. 22 Channel Catfish exceeded 16”, 14 exceeded 20”, and 5 exceeded 24”. Thirteen Channel Catfish were collected during the 2020 electrofishing survey. 33% of the catchable Channel Catfish population exceeded 18”. Historically the Channel Catfish population has been excellent both in quantity and quality. Channel Catfish are collected every year in good numbers and are typically in excellent body condition. | |
Very Good | 10 trap nets were set on Mauvaise Terre Lake in South Jacksonville from 4/4-5/2022 to better evaluate the crappie fishery. 220 White Crappie and 3 Black Crappie were measured, weighed, and released. Black Crappie measured from 8.8-15-1”. The largest crappie sampled was a Black Crappie measuring 15.1” and weighing 2.0lbs White Crappie ranged from 5.7-13.3”. 61 fish exceeded 9”, 43 exceeded 10”, and 3 exceeded 12”. Various size classes of White Crappie were collected. During the fall 2020 electrofishing survey, 38 White Crappie were collected with 70% of the catchable population exceeding 9”, and 8% exceeding 12”. Average body condition was improved from 2019 (Wr = 93) to 2020 (Wr = 98). 16 White Crappie were collected in 2019. These fish measured 5.9-11.0”. The 2018 survey yielded similar results to 2019, where 15 fish were collected, ranging from 6.5-12.1”. The 2015 fall fish survey showed a catch rate of 33 White Crappie per hour of electrofishing ranging in size from 6.0-12.0”. Only one Black Crappie was collected in 2020, measuring just over 6”. The largest White Crappie ever collected during an electrofishing survey measured over 15” and weighed 1.8 lbs. | |
Very Good | Largemouth Bass catch rates have improved since 2015. In 2015, the catch rate was poor (CPUE = 26). Surveys conducted in 2018 (CPUE = 60), 2019 (CPUE = 45), and 2020 (CPUE = 78) yielded improved catch rates. Ideally, 60 or more Largemouth Bass would be sampled in one hour of electrofishing. 34.2% (13 fish) of catchable size fish in the 2019 sample reached 15”. 5.3% (2 fish) exceeded 18”. Body condition was average in 2019 (Wr = 103). In 2020, nearly 38% of the catchable bass population exceeded 15”, and 10% exceeded 18”. Relative Weights remained high in 2020 (Wr = 104). | |
Location: Mauvaise Terre Lake is located on the southeast edge of Jacksonville, 30 miles west of Springfield and just north of I-72.
Description: Mauvaise Terre Lake is a turbid lake with a maximum depth of 11 feet located near the dam. It has a gravel boat ramp on the west shoreline and has good shoreline fishing access on the southwest and south shorelines. Below is an update on the fish community in Mauvaise Terre Lake.
History and Status of the Sport Fishery: Other species present in this lake include Bigmouth Buffalo, Black Bullhead, Brown Bullhead, Common Carp, Freshwater Drum, Golden Shiner, Green Sunfish, Gizzard Shad, Rainbow Trout, Redear Sunfish, Yellow Bullhead, and Yellow Bass.
Additional Lake Information: FISHING REGULATIONS:
Two Pole and Line Fishing Only
Largemouth Bass: 6 Fish Daily Harvest Limit, 15” Minimum Length Limit
Must possess a valid Jacksonville Lakes Permit - Available at Lake Jacksonville Boat Dock
25hp or Idle Speed with motors exceeding 25hp
Contact Information: City of JacksonvilleBrett Gilbreth 217-479-4644IDNR Fisheries Biologist, Blake Ruebush217-622-7219