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Lake Information
County: Brown
Acreage: 3
Average Depth: 0.00 feet
Recreational Amenities
Boat Ramps? No
Boat Rental? No
Skiing? No
Swimming? No
There are no zebra mussels in this lake.
Fishing Outlook ( Full PDF Report )
Click here for a list of all reports.
Species |
Rank |
Fish Status |
Excellent | Bluegill were collected at a catch rate of 256 fish/hour of electrofishing in 2020. 51.7% of the catchable Bluegill population in this pond measured over 7”, and 23.3% exceeded the minimum length limit, measuring over 8”. Bluegill average body condition was excellent. This pond has an outstanding Bluegill fishery. | |
Average | Channel Catfish were last stocked in this pond in 2015. No Channel Catfish were collected in the 2020 survey. IDNR will stock Channel Catfish as hatchery production allows. | |
Average | In 2020, 20 Largemouth Bass ranging from 8.7-20.9” were collected during a routine electrofishing survey. Most fish measured between 10-14”. Only one Largemouth Bass exceeded 18”. The largest fish measured 20.9” and weighed 4.86lbs. The 2020 catch rate of 80 fish/hour of electrofishing meets the management goal (≥60 bass/hour). Maintaining a dense population of 10-14” Largemouth Bass will create higher predation on sunfish, which will result in better sunfish quality. Average body condition of Largemouth Bass was low in 2020. | |
Location: Siloam Springs State Park Buckhorn Unit is located six miles south of Timewell off Route 24 or nine miles north of Route 104 in Brown County.
Description: Siloam Springs State Park Buckhorn Unit was acquired by the State of Illinois in the Spring of 2001. There are two ponds on this site that are managed for sport fishing. Pond #1 is the larger of the two ponds.
History and Status of the Sport Fishery: Species in the pond include Largemouth Bass, Bluegill, and Channel Catfish.
Additional Lake Information:
Two pole and line fishing only and each pole must not have more than 2 hooks or lures attached while fishing.
Largemouth Bass – 1 Fish Daily Harvest Limit, 18” Minimum Length Limit
Bluegill or Redear Sunfish – 10 Fish Daily Harvest Limit, 8” Minimum Length Limit
Channel Catfish – 6 Fish Daily Harvest Limit
Contact Information: Siloam Springs State Park - Buckhorn UnitPark Staff 217-894-6205IDNR Fisheries Biologist, Blake Ruebush217-622-7219