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Lake Information

County: Boone

Acreage: 4

Average Depth: 0.00 feet

Recreational Amenities

Boat Ramps? No

Boat Rental? No

Skiing? No

Swimming? No

Picnicking? Yes

Camping? No

There are no zebra mussels in this lake.

Fish Stocking






Redear Sunfish

Fingerling 1 - 3"




Fingerling 1 - 3"


Additional information for stocking on Island Pond

Fishing Outlook  ( Full PDF Report )

Click here for a list of all reports.



Fish Status



A total of 49 Bluegills were collected ranging from 30 – 182 mm (1.2 – 7.2 in), with 22 > Stock size (80 mm [3.1 in]). Unfortunately, this survey did not meet the minimum required number of fish > Stock size (n = 30) to quantify population demographics as set forth in the lake management plan (LMP). However, I believed 22 fish > Stock size sufficient to continue with the analysis. The PSD fell below its target ranges while RSD-7 fish were not collected. Body condition (as indexed by relative weight) exceeded the 90th percentile for Quality and Preferred sized fish. A high body condition indicates sufficient forage for fish growth. Despite Bluegill densities being high, and good Bluegill body condition, very few larger Bluegill were collected (as indicated by low the RSD-7 value).



A total of 20 Largemouth Bass were collected ranging from 50 – 400 mm (2.0 – 15.7 in), with 15 of those fish > Stock size (200 mm [7.1 in]). Unfortunately, this survey did not meet the minimum required number of fish > Stock size (n = 20) to quantify population demographics as set forth in the lake management plan (LMP). However, I believed 15 fish > Stock size sufficient to continue with the analysis. The PSD and RSD-14 were not within the target ranges with the PSD being over and the RSD-14 being under. A higher PSD and a lower RSD-14 value may be an indicator of slow growth due to an overabundance of small sized fish. Body condition seems to corroborate this, with relative weight values being under the 90th percentile range.

Location: Spencer Conservation Area is located on Appleton Road in the city of Belvidere, between North State Street and West Lincoln Avenue. The main entrance is located by St. James Cemetery. This accesses the pavilions, both pond and river fishing opportunities, and recreation paths.

Description: Island pond is a 4 acre lake located in Spencer Conservation Area inside the Boone County Conservation District.

Additional Lake Information: SPORT FISH REGULATIONS IN EFFECT:

All Fish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Pole and Line Fishing Only
Large or Smallmouth Bass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Fish Daily Creel Limit (14˝ Minimum Length Limit)
Channel Catfish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Fish Daily Creel Limit

Contact Information:
Boone County Forest Preserve
603 N. Appleton Road, Belvidere, IL 61008
IDNR Biologist - Brennan Caputo