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Lake Information

County: Perry

Acreage: 140

Average Depth: 0.00 feet

Shoreline Length: 5.4 miles

Recreational Amenities

Boat Fishing? Unlimited HP/Wake Only

Boat Ramps? Yes

Boat Rental? No

Skiing? No

Swimming? No

Picnicking? Yes

Camping? Yes

Click on map for expanded view

Maps are not intended for navigation.

There are no zebra mussels in this lake.

Fish Stocking














Striped Bass x White Bass (Wiper)

Fingerling 1 - 3"


Additional information for stocking on Pyramid Galum - Goldeneye Lake

Fishing Outlook  ( Full PDF Report )

Click here for a list of all reports.



Fish Status


Very Good

Goldeneye Lake has a quality Black Crappie population. During the 2023 spring survey, 40 Black Crappie were collected, ranging from 3 up to 14.2 inches in length. Five fish in the sample were over 1 lb. About half of the sample was made up of 3 to 4 inch individuals, which were likely 1-year old fish.



Although Bluegill are abundant, the size structure is poor. The vast majority of Bluegill in the lake are under 6 inches in length.



A small number of Channel Catfish are usually collected during surveys, especially in gill nets. During the 2023 survey, catfish in the sample ranged from 12 to 28 inches, the largest weighing nearly 9 lbs.



A large year class of wipers were stocked during 2021, but insufficient numbers have been available from the state hatchery system for subsequent stockings thus far. Data collected during the 2023 survey suggests that wipers from the 2021 year class are thriving in Goldeneye Lake. A total of 23 wipers were captured in three gill net sets. All of these fish were between 12 and 14.5 inches at 2 years of age. Similar to Redhead Lake, a quality wiper fishery should develop given that fish become available for subsequent stockings.



Goldeneye Lake remains an excellent bass fishing lake. During the 2023 electrofishing survey, bass were captured at a high rate of 172/hour. About 48% of bass in the sample were over 15 inches, and 10% were over 18 inches. The largest bass was 21 inches and just over 5 lbs. Anglers should expect to find numbers of quality-size bass in Goldeneye Lake.


Very Good

Stockings of non-vulnerable size (10-14 inches) Muskie have occurred since 2002. Targeted Muskie trap net surveys are conducted on a biennial basis during even years. During the 2022 spring trap net survey, four Muskie were collected. Fish ranged in length from 32 to 39 inches and weighed between 8 and 16 lbs. Although several Muskie were collected in 2022, many past trap net surveys failed to capture any Muskie. Trap netting effort during future surveys will be at least doubled to increase sample sizes.



Although less abundant, Redear size structure is slightly better than that of Bluegill, as some Redear in the 2023 sample exceeded 8 inches in length.

Location: Pyramid State Park is located south of Pinckneyville in Perry County. The Galum Section is accessed off Panda Bear Road. From State Route 127, head west on Pyatt-Cutler Road. About 6 miles west of Pyramid State Park, turn north onto Panda Bear Road.

Description: Goldeneye Lake is a 140-acre strip cut located in the Galum Unit of Pyramid State Park. Facilities at the lake include a concrete boat launch, floating docks, and bathrooms.

History and Status of the Sport Fishery: Electrofishing data from the past three years has verified that Goldeneye Lake harbors an excellent bass fishery. Goldeneye is also known to produce Muskies over 45 inches and good numbers of big crappie as well. Survey data and sonar observations indicate that Goldeneye Lake has a dense stock of Gizzard Shad, which is a key driver in producing big game fish. Given the robust forage base of shad, it is hoped that a quality Wiper fishery will eventually develop if adequate numbers can be acquired for stocking.

Additional Lake Information: Note: There is no motor HP limit, however all boats must be operated at no-wake speed.

Site-specific Regulations:
Largemouth Bass: statewide limit of 6 fish/day
Bluegill or Redear Sunfish: 25 fish daily limit
Crappie: 25 fish daily limit
Channel Catfish: 6 fish daily limit
Muskellunge: 48-inch minimum length limit

2 pole and line fishing only and bowfishing is allowed. All live bait in excess of 8" must be rigged with a quick set rig.

Please note that from November 1 through the end of February, fishing is prohibited except within the designated area between the boat launch and marker buoy. Legal fishing hours from November 1 through the last day of February are from one half hour before sunrise to 2 p.m.

Maps of fish attractor locations can be obtained via the link on this page that says "Fish Attractor Locations Map."

Contact Information:
Pyramid State Park:
IDNR Fisheries Biologist, Nick Abell

Multiple day tournaments are listed with * end date.

Interested in participating in one of these public tournaments? Contact us with tournament ID for more information.

2025 Approved or Pending Tournaments
Start Date ID Approval Ramp Location Bank/Boat
Max Boats Species Youth? Open to Public?
April-1328378ApprovedPyramid SRA (10 boat max) boat
10Largemouth Bass
Smallmouth Bass
April-2628436ApprovedPyramid SRA (10 boat max) boat
10Largemouth Bass