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Lake Information
County: Perry
Acreage: 5
Average Depth: 0.00 feet
Recreational Amenities
Boat Ramps? No
Boat Rental? No
Skiing? No
Swimming? No
There are no zebra mussels in this lake.
Species |
Rank |
Fish Status |
Fair | Only a few small Bluegill were collected during the 2023 electrofishing survey. Given the very clear water conditions during the survey, it is likely that any larger Bluegill were in deep water and not susceptible to electrofishing. | |
Fair | One Black Crappie and one White Crappie were collected during the 2023 electrofishing survey. Both individuals were under 8 inches. | |
Good | During the 2023 electrofishing survey, several Largemouth Bass were collected, the largest measuring 16 inches. | |
Location: Pyramid State Park is located south of Pinckneyville in Perry County. Lesser Scaup Lake is located on the Denmark Section of Pyramid State Park, immediately south of the Mallard Lake spillway.
Description: Lesser Scaup Lake is a small 5-acre strip mine lake. There are no roads or other facilities at this lake, and bank access is limited. The lake can be reached by a short walk west from Union School Rd. The lake is best suited to anglers with kayaks or canoes that can be hauled on carts.
History and Status of the Sport Fishery: An initial community electrofishing survey was conducted during September of 2023. Although the overall catch was low due to clear water and time of year, the survey did suggest a good population of Largemouth Bass with quality size. Future surveys will be attempted during spring in hopes of collecting a better representation of the fish community.
Additional Lake Information: Site Regulations:
Largemouth bass: statewide limit of 6 fish/day
Bluegill or redear sunfish: 25 fish daily limit
Crappie: 25 fish daily limit
Channel catfish: 6 fish daily limit
Walleye/Saugeye: 6 fish daily limit, 14" minimum length limit
2 pole and line fishing only and bowfishing is allowed. All live bait in excess of 8" must be rigged with a quick set rig.
Please note that fishing is prohibited from November 1 through the last day of February.
Contact Information: IDNRPyramid State Park 618-357-2574IDNR Fisheries Biologist - Nick Abell618-967-0952